Peveril Gardens Closure 2022

05/05/22 Re-opening of Peveril Gardens on 16th May

As we haven’t experienced many ‘April Showers’, over the coming weeks the landscape team will be irrigating Peveril Gardens to help the newly re-seeded grass to bulk up and to help other areas of lawn to germinate properly.
When Peveril Gardens reopen, if you are visiting with dogs, please can we ask that they are closely supervised and stopped from entering the shrub beds and prevented from digging holes, to avoid the need to close the garden again for further costly repairs.


The Board’s intention when allowing residents’ dogs access to Peveril Garden in 2017 was for it to be used by residents that could not access nearby large open areas suitable for exercising dogs. The way in which Peveril Garden is currently being used is unsustainable and the maintenance team are regularly having to clean up dog mess and fill in holes in what remains of the grass. Also, newly planted infill shrubs have been dug up. The team regularly witness dogs being exercised without any consideration for the landscaping, often not being watched by their owners. The green spaces on The Park are not large enough to be used in this way. These issues are being further compounded by the increase in use due to the increase in dog ownership. The area is becoming unusable for other users.
To allow the maintenance team to carry out repairs and to re-seed the grassed areas, Peveril Garden will be closed from 7th March 2022 until the area has recovered sufficiently to be re-opened. Dogs will not be permitted on the other green spaces within The Park while the works are carried out. Once the garden reopens it will be closely monitored and if further damage occurs The Board will have to review the current arrangements for the area.